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Changing Value in Nested List in Python: Effortlessly Manipulate Nested Lists


How to Change Value in a Nested List in Python

Nested lists are a powerful and flexible feature of Python that allow for the storage of complex data structures. However, when working with nested lists, it may be necessary to change the values within them. In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to efficiently change values within a nested list using Python.

Step 1: Creating a Nested List

To begin, let’s create a simple nested list that we will use throughout this tutorial. Consider the following example:

nested_list = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

This nested list consists of three sublists, each containing three integers.

Step 2: Accessing Elements in a Nested List

Before we can change a value in a nested list, we need to understand how to access specific elements within it. Python uses indexing to access elements in a nested list. The first index refers to the outer list, while the second index refers to the inner list. For example, to access the value 5 in our nested_list, we would use the following syntax:

value = nested_list[1][1]

Step 3: Changing Values in a Nested List

Now that we know how to access elements in a nested list, let’s explore different methods to change their values.

Method 1: Direct Assignment

The simplest way to change a value in a nested list is through direct assignment. We can use indexing to access the desired element and then assign a new value to it. Consider the following example:

nested_list[0][1] = 10

This code will change the value at index [0][1] from 2 to 10 in the nested_list.

Method 2: Using enumerate() with Nested Loops

Another approach to changing values in a nested list is by using a combination of nested loops and the enumerate() function. This method is useful when we want to modify multiple elements within the nested list.

for i, sublist in enumerate(nested_list):
for j, value in enumerate(sublist):
nested_list[i][j] = value + 1

In this example, we iterate over each sublist using enumerate() to access both the index and value. We then update each value by adding 1 to it.

Method 3: Using List Comprehension

List comprehension provides a concise way to modify values in a nested list. We can use it to iterate over all the elements and construct a new nested list with updated values.

nested_list = [[value + 1 for value in sublist] for sublist in nested_list]

This code creates a new nested list where each value has been incremented by 1.

Step 4: Verifying the Changes

To ensure that the changes have been successfully made, we can print the updated nested list using the print() function.



Changing values within a nested list is a common task when working with complex data structures in Python. In this tutorial, we explored various methods, including direct assignment, nested loops with enumerate(), and list comprehension, to efficiently modify values in a nested list. By following these step-by-step instructions and using the provided sample codes, you are now equipped with the knowledge to change values in nested lists using Python.